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Liberate Your Voice

10-Day Retreat & Artistic Production

Nov 15-25, 2022  II  Mazunte, Mexico


When we step into the fullest and most honest expression of ourselves,

we are a gift to everyone around us,

we are the embodied creator we were born to be.


In this 10-day transformational journey, we will be reconnecting to the wisdom of our bodies and the intelligence of nature, exploring the layers of our unique self and inviting aliveness within

through sound, movement and creative expression. 

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Liberate Your Voice

10-Day Retreat & Artistic Production

We are all born to sing and dance. 

The very first thing we did when coming into this world was open our mouth and allow our voice to be heard (no filters involved!). But, soon there came a time when we stopped dancing and singing so freely and learned to behave in a way we thought was expected of us (enter the eyes of the world!).

This 10-day transformational journey will be an opportunity to reconnect with our authentic truth and innate wisdom as beings of nature. In a trauma-informed and inclusive space, we will tune to our own discovery channel and learn to move out of the way of our own selves, so we can experience our unique voice as liberating liquid beauty.

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A journey of embodiment through sound, movement and creative expression.

We are made of vibration. Everything that is alive pulsates with energy which  contains information. Through the intelligent vibrational instrument that is our body, we are constantly picking up this information and communicating with the world around us and the world within. Vibrations that meet our ears are picked up as sound, while the rest of our body picks up the vibrations in every molecule of every cell: listening and expressing are a whole-body experience. As natural vibration-sensing beings, the more we train our capacity to tune in and the more we are embodied, the more we can open ourselves to the universal wisdom embedded in the codes of nature, available to us all times. 


Lost in the noise of today, we have disconnected from the music within, from the symphony of Earth, from the rhythms of the cosmos. While the Earth is storming, so are the stress levels of humanity. 

Whereas our ancestors used sound and movement for rituals, for healing and journeying deep within, for communicating with spirits of nature and gathering in community - today, we mainly experience it, or should we say, consume it, as entertainment (turn on "performance mode").

In our 10-day retreat, we remember and celebrate sound, movement and creative expression as sacred birthrights, ways of life, and keys to self-discovery, community building and collective healing.  


Liberate your voice: feel alive and empowered.

This retreat will be a strong and nurturing container so that you can feel supported by the group and gain the trust and willingness in yourself to show up fully and invite all of who you are with an open heart.


Liberating the voice is an intimate process of welcoming everything,

as well as singing, dancing and expressing it into space, connecting with our true spirit. We all have our own unique song to sing. Come SING with us!





Zazil Retreat Center

Mazunte / San Agustinillo

Oaxaca, Mexico


Nov 15 - Nov 25, 2022

(10 nights, 11 days)


- Sound  

- Movement

- Creative Expression


Music Video Creation


EARLY BIRD: (until Sept.10, 2022)

2500 USD / person *all included


2700 USD / person *all included



995 USD / person for people based or living in Central or South America. ( *without accommodation and food )



There is only one of YOU in the whole Universe:

Shine your light, sing your song,

do your dance!

BE YOU and it'll be

a gift to everyone.



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Our 10-day retreat features 3 daily embodiment workshops exploring sound, movement and creative expression.

In these workshops we will be diving into a new theme each day, connecting with the elements of nature that constitute us and working with the body's energy centers. These sessions will be an invitation for intimate and insightful journeys into deeper layers of ourselves. The aim is to activate our innate healing and creative powers, help cultivate balance within and allow for authentic expression. 

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with Emma

Everything in the universe sings… plants, waterfalls, animals, the stars… including many things we can't hear. Even silence makes a sound. 

Not only do each of us have our own root frequency, but each organ, muscle, vertebrae, energy center and etheric field has a resonant frequency. We are literally walking symphonies on a cosmic soundtrack. The more we become aware of the symphony within us, the more we can maintain a harmonious musical flow within our whole system.

Liberating the voice, then, is first about learning to deeply listen. With curiosity and openness as our best friends, we can begin to explore the layers of our self and use our voice to bring vibrational healing and love into our bodies. 

In these sound workshops, we will be invited to explore a banquet of our own divine sounds. Connecting with the elements of nature in the landscapes of our own being and with supporting exercises to help silence the mind and open the heart, we will practice: breathwork, chanting, techniques for emotional release, tuning our energy centers, opening to insight and more. We will guide the vibrations of our voice into specific areas of our bodies, and also let our authentic voices guide us. By expressing what is alive in the moment, we learn to free ourselves from limiting beliefs, patterns and blockages as we open up more.

Welcoming all of who we are, we awaken to life through sound and singing. 

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With Eva

Everything in the universe dances..  as everything in the universe has its own rhythm. 

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It’s the rhythm of your life. It's an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. 


Dance enchants the world and needs no language. Our bodies speak a language of their own, revealing all the mystery within the music of the cosmos: dance is music made visible. 

Our habitual ways of being are reflected in our movement patterns, our thought patterns and in the ways in which we relate to the world. 


Through guided somatic movement explorations, embodiment practices, dance improvisation and fun games of observation, we will be learning how to use our body to move, express and transform our emotions. Using dance as a prayer and medicine, to reconnect with what is, entering a state of flow, trance, where there isn’t any mind involved. Embodying authenticity and freedom. 

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The creative expression labs will be an opportunity for us to integrate what we've learned in the workshops, and allow our creativity to emerge and play in community. 


This is the moment to allow our uniqueness to shine in a supportive and safe space. We will be nourishing ourselves from the liberating and empowering experience that occurs when we allow ourselves to be witnessed and to witness others in their authenticity. 


As a group we will create a sonic space to hold the expressions of each participant, where each will be invited to make sound, dance, create words, mantras, sing and express whatever is alive within.


This is an invitation to JAM!

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Building upon what we'll experience in the Creative Expressions Labs, each day we will be gathering creative momentum towards the final two days of this retreat which will be dedicated to our artistic production:

the creation of a music video which will be shared on YouTube after the retreat as an unforgettable memory from our journey together.

With production by accomplished Montreal artist Emma Anders, you will have the opportunity to bring your unique voice to this collective piece. 

The aim of this music video is to document and expose the untamed beauty that is our shared  humanity when we allow ourselves to sing and dance in our truth. This co-creation will be a collective healing process in itself.

With guidance from well-experienced music and dance directors Emma and Eva, this will be a unique blend between spontaneous expressions of the moment, choreographed scenes, written music and magic!

Are you excited to take part?

Because we are! 



 Including Cacao and Song Ceremonies, Contact & Ecstatic Dance,

Relaxation and Soundbath, Yoga Nidra, Songwriting, Jams...


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  • 10 nights in beautiful Cabanas overlooking the shores of the Pacific Ocean   

  • 3 nourishing vegetarian meals per day prepared by a local Mexican chef

  • Co-working and co-creation space with Wi-fi

  • Access to a infinity swimming pool as well as Yoga platform with hammocks and a view onto the ocean

  • A custom-made journal for you to keep with prompts and resources for you to use throughout the retreat

  • Support and guidance from the facilitators

  • Access to all workshops and activities

    • Morning Yoga & Meditation ​

    • Daily Sound & Movement workshops 

    • Daily Creative Expression labs

    • Daily Sharing Circles

    • Evening activities including Cacao and Song Ceremonies, Nature Connection Activities, Contact & Ecstatic Dance, Relaxation and Soundbath, Yoga Nidra, Songwriting and Musical Jams...

  • A professionally-made music video which will be shared on You Tube after the retreat 



This luxury retreat centre - our sanctuary - Zazil, sits at the foothills of a tropical jungle, between the mountains and the warm shores of the Pacific Ocean in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico. Located in Mazunte, Zazil is a walking distance from the beautiful San Agustinillo beach. A serene location, you will hear birds each morning and the ocean waves throughout the day. 

Enjoy exquisite local food, luxurious accommodations, an infinity pool, beautiful beaches, unforgettable sunsets and a Yoga platform with an incredible view over the ocean, all while being guided through a transformational 10 days of inspired movement, sound, healing, connection, creation and community. 




At the Zazil Retreat centre, you will be staying in twin shared rooms. 



until Sept. 10, 2022 

2500 USD per person (all included)


2700 USD per person (all included)


995 USD / person for people based or living in

Central or South America. (*without accommodation and food)

**SPECIAL OFFER: Book 3 spots/ get 1 free 

( This means if you sign up 3 people, you can join this retreat for free. Or, if you are a group of 4 friends, you can split the cost 3 ways. ) 

**If you are a couple: Please let us know and we can assign you to a private room with a queen/king size bed. Note that the price doesn’t change in this case. 

THIS IS FOR YOU if you would like to...

✔   EXPAND YOUR PATH OF SELF-DISCOVERY as you align your unique voice with what you want to offer in this world.

✔   DEVELOP YOUR LISTENING to the subtle in our internal and external environments.

✔   LIBERATE YOUR VOICE and explore it as a tool for healing and connection. 

 ✔  DEEPEN YOUR EMBODIMENT PRACTICES  and tune in to your body on a physical, emotional, energetic and mental level.

✔   CONNECT WITH NATURE and nature's elements within you.  

   CULTIVATE AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION, learn how to speak your truth and move from performativity to receptivity.

✔   MOVE THROUGH BLOCKAGES, transform energy patterns, identify and work through limiting beliefs, reclaim your power. 

✔   PLAY MORE FREELY while reconnecting with a child-like sense of wonder, curiosity, openness, and imagination.

✔   AWAKEN YOUR INNER ARTIST and tap into your creative power.


✔   SHINE YOUR LIGHT IN AN EPIC MUSIC VIDEO which will be shared online after the retreat!


✔   LEARN AND GROW IN COMMUNITY. Whatever your story, you are welcome here in all of your colours. Whatever your 

      mental state, whatever you're feeling, whether your heart is light or heavy, clear or troubled -  we are here to embrace

      it all (and that doesn't mean we always have to like it). This retreat is an opportunity to witness and be witnessed,     

      to practice authentic relating, non-violent communication, holding space for ourself and for others without 

      judgment, honouring our shared humanity, and learning to embrace one another in a loving space of care and



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Musician, Producer, Sound Engineer, Creative Director

Sound Therapy and Yoga Practitioner, Ceremony Facilitator

Nature Connection Mentor and Wilderness Expedition Guide

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  • Performed as a musician in festivals, refugee camps, youth shelters, sacred sites and on the radio around the world

  • Original songs selected for film soundtracks

  • Photography, film & writing featured in exhibitions and events internationally 

  • 15 years experience as a Nature Connection Mentor and Wilderness Expedition Leader, and over 10 000 km travelled by bicycle and canoe 

  • Facilitated international workshops, ceremonies and community events in domains such as music, wellness and nature connection

  • Founder of numerous community initiatives (read more here) 

  • Teaching and facilitating with a trauma-sensitive approach, studying with trauma experts such as Thomas Hubl, Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Dr. Albert Wong, Kekuni Minton, and Sherri Mitchell​


♢   Bachelor of Science, Specialization in Ecology (Concordia University)

♢   Sound Engineering & Music Production A.C.S (Musitechnic, Montreal) : graduated as top student of the program, scholarship nominee

♢   Sound Therapy Practitioner (Institute of Traditional Medicine, Canada)

♢   Mentored by world-renowned Sound Healing and Voice Teachers including Silvia Nakkach (Vox Mundi), Chloe Goodchild and Gary Diggins

♢   Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Practitioner (Embody Lab)

♢   Yoga Teacher 200 RYS (Anuttara Ashram, Canada) and Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher (School of Positive Transformation, Dr. Itai Ivtzan)

♢   Reiki Level I Practitioner (Usui Shiki Ryoho)

♢   Herbalist Education & Certification Program 360hr (Heart of Herbs Herbal School)

♢   Wilderness First Responder (Boreal River Rescue), Whitewater Rescue Technician Level III (Boreal River Rescue), Canoe Instructor Level II

      (Canot-Kayak Quebec

♢   Coach and Transformational Facilitator (Earth Pulse Academy)


Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Show Producer

Bodywork Therapy and Yoga Practitioner, Embodiment Coach

  • Performed as a dancer around the world with renowned international dance companies such as: Béjart Ballet (Swiss), Staatsballett Munchen (Germany), Ballet de l‘Opéra National du Rhin (France), Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, Ballet Jazz de Montreal (Canada), Nord I Danse (Sweden)

  • Choreographed and produced full-evening dance shows at Place des Arts, as well participated with her work in many International Dance Festivals (DICFestival in Daegu, South Korea, Festival Quartier Danses, Montreal, Festival Internacional Danza de Calle in Mexico, Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur)

  • Won several first prizes as a dancer/choreographer, including “Grand Prix” in Seoul-IMDC, Korea 

  • Hosted international dance workshops and events

  • Dance professor at the Korean National University for Arts in Seoul  

  • Founder of Kolarova Dance Company

  • Founder of choreographic platform LocalMotion Lab


♢   Bachelor of Arts, Classical & Contemporary Dance (Ballett-Akademie, Munich, Germany)

♢   Graduate from State Dance Conservatory (Czech Republic)

♢   Rudra Bejart Dance School (Switzerland) 

♢   Hatha Yoga Teacher 200 RYS (Ashram in Mysore, India)

♢   Certified Bodyworker: Triple Vagal Method Practitioner (Integrated Somatic Institute) and Kinetic Swedish Massage Therapist 400hr (Kiné-

      Concept, Montreal)

♢   Kambo Facilitator (trained in the Peruvian jungle near Iquitos)

♢   Coach and Transformational Facilitator (Earth Pulse Academy)

As seen on...

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Hear what participants from our workshops have to say!

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

"Attending this workshop was one of the best decisions I made this year. I came in to the workshop without any expectations, I was curious and open to receiving whatever comes my way.

Before arriving I was a little nervous and the moment I entered the room, I was greeted by Eva and Emma’s warm smiles and that was enough to make me feel safe and comfortable. Bit by bit I let my guard down, I had a knot in my throat and stomach from what I assume was suppressed feelings and I felt safe enough to let the music, and Emma’s wonderful voice bring the feelings out. Once the tears came out my voice started to appear and I was not afraid to join in the chants. When Eva was guiding us with the movement exercises, I started to feel light, like a butterfly, she was able to bring us all together with a few simple successions of movements, I felt close and connected to everyone, all strangers I never met, yet I could be myself with them. At the end of the workshop, we got together and jammed, singing, dancing, hopping around, feeling like a child with no cares in the world, feeling so light.

Something inside of me was unblocked that evening and I am already seeing and feeling the benefits now. I was able to open up about things that have been buried inside for years, my partner was so surprised and happy to hear me express myself so eloquently and without any fear or shame. I am so grateful for this experience and I can’t wait to continue liberating my voice and using movement for healing. Thank you Emma and Eva for your magic <3"

- Tatiana

"It was my first time doing this type of self-expression & collective jam event and it was very healing to me. Many emotions were experienced and released as well as understood thanks to the many activities. I love discovering more about myself in relationship with others and this type of event facilitates just that. Thank you again and very excited for the next one!"

- Branco

"This was my first workshop in this style as an adult and it was really beautiful to share my own and other people's vulnerability. To connect with complete strangers through movement and sounds. Everyone should at least try this workshop at least once in their life. Thank you and I'm excited to see what's next! :)"

- Isaac

"This workshop was an amazing opportunity to move past a space of mental discomfort into one of embodied comfort. A fun safe space to play and to get in touch with your own humanity!"

- Ben

"The event was creative, well paced, and jam-packed with awesome energy and a variety of well-planned activities! Emma and Eva were welcoming, met the participants where they were, and adjusted to their needs. It was a fantastic opportunity to challenge myself in a safe environment and connect with myself and others."


"I arrive to the event with a very stiff and soar body wondering if I would be able to do the exercises, but the way the workshop is created it eases up, making it very accommodating for all levels. At the end my body felt strong, soft, fluid and full of energy. I feel so grateful to have come to this event."

- Steph 

"I highly recommend this event for anyone that wants to feel closer to himself, to the tribe, to connect with your heart and body and liberate your voice."

- Tristan

"On oublie parfois la puissance du chant et de la danse : deux outils intimes, toujours à notre disposition, qui peuvent apporter une énorme dose de joie, de connexion et de guérison. À travers les excercices qu'elles proposent, Emma et Eva nous guident vers notre nature profonde, nous aident à délier nos noeuds et à connecter avec l'autre, le coeur bien ouvert."

- Cat

"Des femmes magnifiques avec un cœur en or ! 🥰❤️💃🏽🙏"

- Noemie



Join us this November for a transformational
and unforgettable 10 days in Mazunte, Mexico!

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